These stories are the clean ones. ^^ Anything light enough ranging through all the different genres.





I knew this would happen. Yet another Raziel/Cassandra flashback story. This one is rather sad… it’s the tale of her death. Once again inspired by the same storyline. {Andariel)


Nothing Can Change


My latest. Inspired by a storyline done not so long ago, I was compelled to work on some background information. This could be the start of a few more flashback-like stories. I really enjoyed writing this. Cassandra’s so damn kewl. I love her. And Raz’s attitude back then is just yummy. <G> {Andariel)




Depression is not fun, but usually can be rather inspirational. {Andariel)


A Moment of Happiness


I find reality to be rather cruel. This is also one of my favorites… also a by-product of depression. {Andariel)




I wrote this one while sitting in class… something I have thought about more than once but have never brought myself to do. {Andariel)




A little something I threw together during a bad time I
was having with my boyfriend's parents last year. Yeah, they hate me, and this was my response to what I thought he was thinking to the whole situation. {Tizzrah)


Kindred Spirits Part One


The first little bit of my novel-in-progress. When I wrote it
a few months ago, I liked it, but now I think it's shit. Not sure if I'm gonna finish it. {Tizzrah)


Yesterday's Prisoner


A stupid assignment for my creative writing class. I think
the topic was, "Write something in which the main character struggles through a problem and overcomes it in the end." How cliche. I hate this. {Tizzrah)


4 Seasons of Loneliness


Yet another thingie written in response to the situation
with my boyfriend's parents. Suicide is fun. Title (c) Boyz II Men. {Tizzrah)




A rather older piece dated back to '98 or so. The style's kinda old, as you can probably tell comparing it to my newer pieces, but I still really like this one. It's very sci-fi and set on a spaceship called the Aurora12, in which there was a writing club at one time. Weeee. {Tizzrah)


Foolish Games


This will be the ONLY poem you will ever see from me, being as that I hate poetry because it's hard as hell to write. Maybe I'm just not 'deep' enough or something. I'm actually rather proud of this, as it sort of outlines my own descent into madness back in high school, and accurately portrays some of the despair I was feeling. {Tizzrah)


Crash and Burn


Another older piece back from my 11th grade year in high school. Written for the sole purpose that I had to get my feelings out -somehow-, and writing sure is a hell of a lot better than cutting. -_-. {Tizzrah)


































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