
What is a story commission, you ask?  Well, basically it's where you give one of us money and a concept and some characters of your own and we construct a piece of literature from it.  You can post it on your webpage (giving us credit for it, of course), or keep it for your own enjoyment.  It's all up to you.


Current Status: Full-time school.  Working on a commission.
Taking Commissions: Not right now.

Current Status: Full-time school.  Working on two commissions.
Taking Commissions: No.

What We Won't Write:

- Characters that are not your own. This means copywritten characters (Sonic, Bugs Bunny) and your friend/sibling/spouse’s characters. It isn’t legal for us to accept money to write these sort of things. We do, sometimes, write fanfiction, but we cannot be paid for it. However, if there is something you’d like to see, feel free to drop us a suggestion. 

- Really gross icky illegal stuff. This includes the following: beastiality, kiddy porn, and other weird stuff of that nature. Take your odd fetishes someplace else, people.

- Some sexual themes. These include really heavy bondage (we’re talking the works here… mild stuff isn’t a problem), watersports/scat, macro/micro stuff, and things along those lines. If your idea isn’t listed here, e-mail us to ask.


What We Will Write:

- Stories rating anywhere from G to X. We don’t mind sex. We actually kinda like it. ^^

- Light bondage themes, male/male, male/female, female/female, nonconsensual, and other stuff. Ask.

- Fantasy, sci-fi or furry themes. These are our best genres, but we will try most anything else you’re willing to throw at us.


The Commission Process:

1. You give us one of your ideas. We brief it, give you both a monetary and time of completion estimate, and in some cases, ask you to change some things.

2. We sit back and wait for you to send us payment. If the piece will be over $50, you have the option of sending half now, half later.

3. Once getting your money, we start working on the pieces. You can either see it chapter by chapter or in its entirety when it’s completed.

4. The story will be written in 12 pt, Times New Roman font, and sent to you as a .doc or .txt file through e-mail. If you’d like, for a small, extra shipping fee, we can print out a hard copy on gray or ivory parchment and give it our signature, or even burn it on CD-R for you.


Princing Information:

Here is our basic pricing for a commission:  be aware that these are the minimum starting prices for each.  If you have an idea, e-mail either one of us and we'll talk.

$30 - Your basic short story, roughly five pages or 3000  words. An average of two characters, two different settings/scenes. 

Examples: Wonderwall, One Breath, A Moment of Happiness.

$50 - A more complex story with more characters and more scenes. More character development here, including deeper descriptions and interactions. Minimum 5000 words

Examples: Burning For Love.

$100 + - Anything more complex than what's listed above. This includes short novels and the like. Large projects such as these take lots of planning and thinking ahead, and lots of writing time; thus the large price tag.

Examples: Destiny, Kindred Spirits.


Yes, we’re aware that this is rather pricey. However, we do take pride in our work and hope you enjoy reading as much as we enjoy writing. If you're interested in commissioning one of us for a piece of literature, please contact us and we'll work something out. Thanks for your interest. ^^