Full Name: Tizzrah Cantadora. 

Nicks: Tizz, Tizzy.

Species: Anthropomorphic striped skunk.

Gender: Female.

Age: 19 or so.

Overview: Tizz is a modern-day goth of sorts, and both attitude and wardrobe reflect it. A loner and pessimist by nature, she is most often content to sit back and watch as life passes her by while viewing it with a bitter comment or two. She seems conceited at first glance, but beneath that layer of stone there is a bloody battle being waged over possession of her sanity; Tizz is a cutter, first and foremost, and revels in the feeling of causing injury to herself to satiate the brewing emotions within. Compulsive, tactless, distrusting and seemingly amoral, she has very little interest in getting to know others, and even less interest in making friendships with them.

Full Name: Andariel Loreelie. 

Nicks: None. 

Species: Anthropomorphic husky. 

Gender: Female. 

Age: Going on 19. 

Overview: The current day plays a major role on what you'll get when you see her. Andariel can be a total giddy spazz one day and utterly dark and morbid the next. Most days though, she settles right in between the two (thankfully). Very easily ticked off, she tries to stay away from the general public she knows will aggravate her; and if that's not possible she'll just stick to herself and ignore the rest. It's her one defense mechanism and it has always worked. She's been much of a loner for the past five years and it just now getting used to the idea of having someone she can actually trust. 


Aziril'e Racial Information

General: The Aziril'e are a mysterious race, having been hidden completely from outside civilization for thousands of years; their hatred for other races burns deeply. Not much is known about where they came from or how they came into being, only that they wish to remain hidden from outside eyes and rarely mingle with other races. Aziril'e are also creatures of magic. Most are able to perform simple elemental spells, drawing their power from the earth. Some have greater skills, including summons and status spells. Some are more adept at healing. Some have no skills at all. It varies greatly from person to person. 

Appearance: In their true forms, they resemble bipedal cats, felines that stand on two legs and have the intelligence of humans. They can be of any fur color and build, ranging from lithe and athletic to heavyset and muscular, even their facial and ear shapes varying greatly. When they do have the need to venture out of their city and into the real world, they are able to assume the form of a human or elf, a form which they are granted at birth. 

Genders: There are three genders of Aziril'e: male, female, and neuter. The neuters are neither male or female, seemingly androgynous; they lack the sexual anatomy of the other two genders. They are unable to reproduce, and are deemed crippled. 

Aging: The Aziril'e aging system is very different from those of humans. At birth, the Aziril'e are very weak and prone to all kinds of fatal diseases. The death rate among children is very high. There are also predators that sometimes wander into the city and prey on the young. Therefore, between the time they are born and a year or so, they have reached full maturity (around eighteen years old). Once mature, the aging process slows considerably. It will take another seven or eight years for them to age one year in human. The average Aziril'e lifespan is four to five hundred. 

Language: Aziril'e speak their own language, termed "Felinian" after their nickname (given to them by spiteful humans). It sounds much like elven, but flows smoother and faster. 

Homeland/Culture: The Aziril'e reside deep in a lush and expansive jungle named Kappithia. They have built a great city from marble and natural stone mined from the ground within the greenery. The jungle itself provides all of the resources they need to live, from food to delicate silk which is made from the threads of an exotic spider. They have no need of outside trade. The city itself is very clean and orderly. Crime is rare if not almost nonexistant since resources are plentiful. Money is unheard of, since gold and silver is only used for jewelry and other decorative things, and trade is the barter system. The city is ruled by a single person, either a King or a Queen, most often of the same family. If the current leader does not bear any children, then the throne will go to a cousin or a sibling. Sometimes there are exceptions, but rarely. However, to keep things fair and preventing a cruel dictatorship from happening, the King or Queen has several people to go to for help: these people serve on the High Council. The Council consists of seven mages, and then an eighth Priest or Priestess residing over them. 

Religion: The Aziril'e worship many Gods and Goddesses, but the main dieties are Fela Skydancer (Goddess of the moon and stars), and Harar Goldeneye (God of the sun and sky). 

Weddings/Funerals: Weddings are usually great gatherings that involve most of the city, depending on the people marrying. It is not unusual for a woman and a woman to marry, nor a male and a male. The ceremony is always performed at nighttime under the sky, so that Skydancer can hold witness, and performed by the High Priest or Priestess of the Council. Funerals also involve a good part of the city, unless requested otherwise. Bodies are always cremated and then scattered to the wind to conserve ground/farming space.

Aurora12 Characters:

It's 600 years in the future. Earth is not the only populated planet out there, and technology rules most lifestyles. The Aurora12 is a starship, devoted to the housing and education of refugee teenagers, and in return for this hospitality, the students must scout and report on seemingly deserted planets to the interplanetary government. 

Basically, at one time, the Aurora12 was a writing group where we all created characters, shared them with the club, and exchanged stories back and forth using our characters and the original concept. However, about a year ago it all fell apart due to lack of writing and some quarrels that should have never went on. These characters are still very close to my heart, since they were some of the first ever created, and I continue to write with them when I find time. 

Name: Talis Rashkae. 

Race: Uxorian. The Uxorians resemble humans closely, aside from their snowy complexions and inability to tan. Their hair color varies between blue, silver, or a miture of the two. Eyes normally match hair color. They have no body heat, and no pumping heart; bred from dead humans, they are almost dead themselves, kept alive through old sorcery. The organs are still there within, just not used. They have the innate ability to freeze anything they touch; the power is sporadic and uncontrolled in younger Uxorians, and must be mastered over time. 

Gender: Female. 

Age: 20. 

Overview: Talis came to the Aurora12 when she was only fourteen, having fled from her home planet because of religious wars. She stowed away on the ship while it was refueling and helped to establish the school the ship now is. Talis is a loner at heart, and quick to anger and annoyance. However, in the right mood, she is funloving and laid back. She enjoys working with computers and technological science, and is normally one of the first to call when an internal repair is needed. 


Name: Kit. Real name unknown. 

Race: Felinian. A race that very closely resembles that of anthropomorphic felines. Very superstitious, they believe in omens and magic, and fear what they do not understand. 

Gender: Male. 

Age: 20. 

Overview: Kit originally fled from his home world because of severe prejudice; his fur is a lush black hue, which is feared and scorned by his fellow race. He lived on the jungle-ish planet of Bylete for three years until the Aurora12 crashed, and then snuck aboard in search of a new home. Kit is a powerful specimen of Felinian; he towers at a good 6'5", and beneath his fur is pure, untainted muscle. However, despite his appearance, he is very soft-spoken and gentle, and enjoys reading and writing and just sitting in the dark, listening to music.