Name: Stephanie Blake

Aliases/Nicknames: Tizzrah, Tizzy, Tizz. 

Birthdate: July 1st, 1983. That makes me 19, kiddies. 

Current Residence: Mechanicsville, Virginia. Land of absolutely nothing. But guess what? We have a Super Wal-Mart! Feel the sarcasm. 

Hobbies/Pasttimes: Writing. Duh. Playing Final Fantasy X and Silent Hill 2 (which are badass games, BTW). Being opinionated and bitchy. Weeeeee. 

Movies: The Crow, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Scream, the Neverending Story, Legend (young Tom Cruise nummy...), Braveheart, Labyrinth, Gladiator, Patch Adams, Harry Potter. 

Animations: The Last Unicorn, the Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Disney's Gargoyles. 

TV: Friends. That's it. I don't watch TV. 

Books: "Wizard's First Rule," Terry Goodkind, Harry Potter series, J. K. Rowling, Shannara series, Terry Brooks, "Desperation," Stephen King. 

Music: Tool yummy. Linkin Park also yummy. Anything alt/rock. 

Food: Pasta ish yummy. 

Colors: Black, gray, silver, purple, green. 

Likes: Kitties, art, writing, fantasy stuff, RPGs, pasta, cheese, hand lotion, roses, exotic knives/swords, rainy days, open-mindedness, coffee, music, winter. 

Dislikes: Stupidity, the sun, stereotypes, summer, mexican food, PT Cruisers (I'm sorry, but those have to be the ugliest looking cars on the face of the planet..), calendars, parents, soap operas, and people who tell me my writing sucks. Fuck you too. ^^ 

You can also find me here: Go there and rate me... that's an order.


Name: Ana Santos

Aliases/Nicknames: Andariel

Birthdate: November 14, 1983. I’m legal… ooh the possibilities.

Current Residence: Kearny, New Jersey. Don’t know where that is? Not to worry, most people don’t. Think Newark (yanno, murder capital of the world), well I’m slightly north of that, but ooh ooh! I can see NYC from my window!

Hobbies/Pasttimes: Well, among the time that I always seem to be able to find while I’m supposed to be studying or writing a paper I usually willingly distract myself with a whole bunch of things. There’s random writing, roleplaying, reading, napping, roleplaying some more random writing (I’m surprised I even finish things this way), oh and did I mention roleplaying? Wait, I’m not done! Mwaha. I’m also a freak about video games... yeah, that’s right, I really am. Sometimes when I disappear for hours on end and lock myself in my room, I really won’t be studying but prolly playing random FF that I have already beaten time and time over again, there’s also Metal Gear Solid (both of ‘em!) just great, oh and I can’t forget Soul Reaver (::Shudder::). But anyway, onto the next question…

Movies: Interview with the Vampire, The Crow, Braveheart and probably a few others that I’m forgetting about at the moment.

Animations: Now these are fun, especially when you develop odd obsessions for them. Weiß Kreuz!! Ahem. ^^;; Gravitation is lots of fun, so is Gundam Wing and Angel Sanctuary and Vampire Hunter D, Neon Genesis Envagelion. Fun!

TV: Witchblade has to be one of my favorites, but there’s also FRIENDS of course… and I’ll probably be beaten (or loved) for the next two: Buffy and Angel. ::Hides from the incoming attacks.::

Books: “Merrick” by Anne Rice, “The Dead Zone” and “Bag of Bones” by Stephen King.  Also, any of the Dragonlance series by Weis and Hickman.

Music: This is where it gets complicated you see cause I can’t seem to make up my mind. For now I guess I will just stick with anything from Linkin Park to Disturbed to Dream Theater to Braindance to Apoptygma Bezerk.

Food: It really depends on my mood… I don’t know, think I’m just odd.

Colors: Black and blue… especially around someone’s eye. ^_^

Likes: Cute 'lil furry animals, writing, reading, RPing, obessessing over fictional characters (at least I can admit it!), the beach, blades - swords are pretty, coffee - lots and other random things.

Dislikes: Idiocity, ignorance, stuck up people, arrogance, my parents, Steph's parents, critics and a few other things I prolly shouldn't say. ^^

You can also find me here: