If you feel the wonderful need to link back to us on your own page (which would make us love you forever and possibly consider sexual favors), here's our banner. And if you do, please let us know so we can put your own site up here as well.


Stephanie Pui-mun Law. Just.. wow! Major kick ass fantasy art. 'Nuff said. Just simply awsome work.

Heather Baeder (Kyoht). On par with Goldenwolf's art. Looklook!

Cindy Kinnard (Eden). One of the best Gargoyles artists out there, and a very, very nice person. ^^

Cassandra Gunn (Ultraviolet). Dark, gothic furry and fantasy art. I love her twists on Dr. Suess characters and Alice. ^^

Jennifer Miller (Nambroth). Beautiful fantasy work (mostly gryphons.. I love gryphons).

Megan Giles (Spacecat). Kewl furry art.

Wookie. The God of Photoshop. Don't believe me? Just go look.

Socar Myles. Rats art. Very cool rats art. Her photoshop skills go unmatched.

Dark Natasha. Awesome, awesome art.

Huskie. Very talented, opinionated artist. Gotta love it

Tracy Butler. Need I say more?

Christy Grandjean (Goldenwolf). Insanely detailed wolves and such. Go look, dammit.

Beth Schultz (Ashryn). Insanely awesome furry art.

Oekaki. Well, what can I say without drooling all over the keyboard? This girl is freakin' amazing! 'Nuff said. I'm so jealous. ^^

Heather Wasneuski (Cybre). Uber-cute stuff! Weeeee.

Adam Wan (Zaush). Very neat furry artist.

Brenda DiAntonis (XianJaguar). Cute-styled furry art. I love her backgrounds.

Maggie C. A. Hogarth. Interesting art and lots of stuff.. the creator of a very neat race called the 'Jokka'. Check it out.

Silverblue. Her stuff is way cool and gothy. Wheee.

LatinVixen. Insanely cute furry/anime art. Squee. ^^

Carrie Graham (Velvet). I worship her stuff. Very dark, gothic style. Beautiful color works. You MUST go look.

Stephanie Lostimolo (Raptor Woman). An artist who'se photoshop work is simply and utterly amazing. Check it out.

Maxim. What can I possibly say about this site? If you're a fan of FFVIII, this is definately a must. The art is utterly unbelievable.

Angel Ravenell (Arphalia). Gothic-esque style furry art. Very cool.

Candy Palmer. Very kewl furry art. Not much else to say.

Jennifer Rodriguez (Pacrat). Kewl, stylized furry art.

Aimee Major. STUNNING fantasy, furry, gargoyle art.. you name it.

Kacey Maltzman. Very, very kewl furry/anime artist. She's also insanely fun to talk to at three in the morning.

Cara Mitten. Detailed furry/fantasy art. I love her dragons.

Stephanie Aloisio (Jag). Awesome furry art.

Arcana! Wow, what can I possibly say 'bout it? It kicks some major ass. One of the best online comics out there. This girl is brilliant both with the storyline and the art. Simply brilliant.

All hail Sandra Delete, the Goddess of Yaoi! ... No really. Cutest 'lil comic, shibby art. ^_^

The Class Menagerie, a furry comic by the very talented Vince Suzukawa.

Owned by Sandra Delete and Avarice, this is a wonderfully nummy clique dedicated to Tybalt. Mmm. ^_~

Weeee. This place has badass reviews and news on horror schtuff.

Ghost's Anime Kitties
This is the kawaiiest thing ever. Visit Ghost and adopt a kitty of your favorite anime character. They're ubercute. ^_^

Carbon Leaf -- local Richmond band, very Celtic-rock style. Very, very cool.

Funny shit. Just go.