Sinister Nostalgia:

"Good," Tizz whispered and brushed a finger down the husky's front, nails teasing the soft fur between her breasts. She did not stop there, however. That malicious finger trailed over the rising curve of a breast in slow circles that gradually neared her hardened nipple. It was funny how the body betrayed the mind. Yet… was it really betrayal in this case? Or was she, as helpless and beaten as she was, truly enjoying this treatment?

She shivered softly beneath the teasing behavior but managed not to utter a sound. It was only when the felt the cool, torturous wetness of the skunk's tongue brushing against a now very aroused nipple that she gasped sharply. The husky immediately cringed as if awaiting another blow, but none came.

Pretty When You Cry:

Malek watched her intently, studying every curve hugged by the thin sheets that barely even covered her. He could tell that she wore very little if even anything beneath those sheets; it teased him to a soft exhale. Soon she would be his. The raccoon paused in front of the bed and then without wasting any more time, he pressed a hand to the husky's muzzle to keep her from crying out and yanked the covers from her as he leapt onto the bed, easily straddling her.

Andariel gasped sharply, her eyes snapping open to expose matching blues; hers were wide in surprise. She tried to cry out but it was futile with the raccoons' hand wrapped so tightly around her muzzle. She stared at him questioningly even though the situation was more than obvious; her expression revealed her growing horror. She squirmed beneath him, but her efforts were wasted on him. The raccoon was stronger than she and kept her pinned against the mattress quite easily.

Gutter Glitter:

The corset was peeled nonchalantly from her shoulders and discarded to the damp, mossy earth, leaving her bare from the waist up. He explored the curves and outlines of her supple body, fingers of rusty brown tracing her profile, the fleshy skin of her stomach, the smooth contours of her hips. Finally hand slid southward, beneath the tight bridge of her jeans, fighting to gain inches towards their common goal. He teased against her slick wetness for only a moment before pulling back with a sly smirk. A whimper touched her lips; he silenced it with a lone digit, the other working frivolously at the metallic clasp that secured her pants. In moments it had yielded to him as well as the zipper, and hand returned to its previous place against her sex.

Living in Sin:

Andariel leaned closer, pressing a rough kiss to Tizz's own lips. The skunk parted her lips, willingly taking the husky's tongue past them and into her mouth with a soft suckle. Both were fully aware of Zephyr's ogling gaze, which made it all the more fun. After a moment, the husky broke the kiss and glanced up, crystal blue eyes focusing on the goat that sat before her. A sly smirk touched her lips but that was all. She slowly slid her hand downward, fingers brushing the bridge of Tizzrah's pants. As she slid further down, not only did her fingers tease the skunk but also Zephyr's obvious arousal. It was the latter where she focused upon. Her fingers tightened considerably around his throbbing member, all-too evident through the thick material of his pants.